How to Contribute to our Bear Making Supplies

We are often asked what we use to make bears, so I created a list on Amazon (link on left, items are shipped to us by Amazon using this link). Keep in mind these items can be purchased at any store (Joann's Fabric usually has many of these items on sale or you can always use a coupon). Each bear costs us about $10 to make, depending on what coupons we use to buy our materials. We greatly appreciate any and all materials contributions.

Each bear we make uses Pellon SF101 stabilizer (1 yard per bear) and Fairfield SF12B Supreme Fiber (12oz needed per bear). We have standardized on these two products (as well as Superior So Fine thread - we usually use black, white or gray colors) as they are very good quality and work well for us. Other items we go through are things like rotary blades, scissors (fabric cutting and embroidery), seam rippers, Best Press (non-starch material stiffener).